The Beginner's Guide to 401k Account Rollover

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Saving money is important for every individual. That’s why companies offer 401k retirement plans for their employees to make it easier for them to save up for their golden years. A 401k account is a tax-deferred savings plan in which a portion of the employee’s salary is automatically deducted and invested into the account until retirement. However, employees can change jobs several times in their lifetime, leading to multiple 401k accounts from previous employers.…

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Financial Planning — 5 Reasons It's Vital After You Retire Too

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Financial planning is key to building a healthy retirement nest egg. But should financial planning stop once you actually pull the trigger on your retirement? No. In fact, it may be even more important now. Why? Here are five reasons to continue — or start — financial planning after you retire. 1. You Change Your Financial Focus  The savings years during your working life focus on just a few key elements.…

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